Lập trình, .NET, C#, XML, Kĩ thuật lập trình .NET, Công cụ, Windows Service, WebService
.NET Remoting, Abstract Factory, Adapter Pattern,Ajax,AOP,ASP.NET, Bridge Pattern, Castle Windsor, Cool stuffs,
Dependency Injection, Design Pattern, Design Principles, Factory Method, Fedora, IoC, Jquery, Lazy Load, Linux,
, Lock, Log4Net, Lập trình, Mock, Multi-Thread, MVC, MVP, N-Tier, NHibernate, NUnit, ORM, Passive View, PostSharp, Singleton
Spring.NET, Strategy Pattern, Supervising Controller, Unit Testing, Virtual Server
Nguyen Thoai has been a .NET developer since 2005. He attempts to learn more about technology and software development from his friends and colleagues. Besides, he is trying to become a successful investor in Vietnamese Stock Market.
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